A sign of things to come…..
A wide selection of books & magazines scanned and available to read on googles site. In some cases you only see extracts, in others it will show the complete book or magazine.
Rather than giving you a web version of the content they give you a high resolution image of each page as it appeared in the original book or magazine. Not as pleasant to read as having the book or magazine in hand but cheap and convenient if you are looking for information or just want to browse around.
You can search within the book for particular words and phrases which may be useful for those doing research.
Where they don’t have the book you are looking for they will give you information about the book, where you can buy it online and information to make it easier to search for it in a Library.
They have recently added a version suitable for use on mobile devices like the iphone at http://books.google.com/m - no magazines and a smaller selection of books.
Good share of this wonderful job.